Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Vote The Rascal Out!

Time Magazine came out this week, with the feature story being the damage and devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina. The secondary story in this tragedy was how the federal, state, and local governments were unprepared for a storm of this magnitude, compounding the tragedy by their ineptness/callousness/lack of resources; you pick the major reason.

It's pretty well acknowledged that the federal government dropped a huge, wet ball on this one. One of many, if you've been paying attention over the last 5 years. Is it time for impeachment YET?? Holy crap, what does it take in this country to ditch a president who is as clueless as he is untalented, unworldly, and sometimes just plain unthinking? The Republicans went after Clinton for sexual congress with an intern, of all things. I guess in America, you can lie, cheat and steal, perform illegal and immoral acts, and cater to cronies wholesale while the rest of the Americans struggle to live, but as long as you don't have sex, you're in the clear, pal!

Let's make a short list of the shortcomings of this Presidency:

9/11: Jumped in to seem in charge, after waiting in a classroom in Sarasota, FL for a pre-planned photo op while the Twin Towers fell. Presumably, he knew of the terrorist attack BEFORE he arrived at the school, according to some accounts. Even so, he was not carted away by the Secret Service until after his story-reading session, during which he most certainly knew about the attacks. He knew about the possibility of attack sometime in the near future earlier in the year (February, March, or April, depending on whose account it is), but stalled any action until a meeting was planned to discuss on 9/12.

Attack in Afghanistan: Devastating shock and awe by the military, shaking Afghans and making Americans proud. However, because of idiocy, Osama bin Ladin GOT AWAY! STILL! Local warlords were "supposed" to find bin Ladin and hand him over, but oopsie! Bin Ladin eventually became unimportant to Bush's schemes, fairly quickly actually.

Iraq War: Where do I start? From WMDs to terrorist training grounds, every reason Bush and cronies came up with for attacking and destroying Iraq didn't wash. There is now ample evidence that disproves every one of their claims, even though they still spout them continuously! No exit strategy! (Maybe you should have asked your Dad, Georgie; he stated that as the reason HE never declared war on Iraq right in HIS MEMOIRS!) We'll be welcomed with flowers and them singing hosannahs! Guess what? Now it IS a breeding ground for terrorists! That makes Bush...WORSE than Saddam!

How 'bout domestic policies? Or as I like to call it, "The Screwing of America." In bed with every industry from oil to pharma to timber to insurance to Wall Street, anything good for business is good for America in this moron's eyes. Why keep things working smoothly when you can claim it's all broke, then offer solutions that make billions for the companies whose pockets you're in? The Bush Crime Family (as Mike Malloy likes to call them) makes out-of-session laws in Congress to make legal the most outrageous business welfare programs. Did someone say "Voodoo Economics?"

Now this latest snafu, where people on American soil ARE DYING, not by a foreign terrorist, but our own home-grown variety. America, where votes are manipulated, lies and frauds are OK, personal freedoms are in danger of disappearing, and the media has turned into either a bunch of rabble-rousing, big-mouthed cretins appealing to the lowest common denominator, or shrinking-violet, step-on-their-tongues cowards.

Time to clean house, folks. We should expect more from our president. It's been said "we get the government we deserve." Well, we deserve better.

I think I can say, and say with pride, that we have some legislatures that bring higher prices than any in the world." -- Mark Twain

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