Sunday, January 29, 2006


New Year, New Fear

It's getting worse, people. The elevation of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court could spell the end of freedom as we know it.

The U.S. system of democracy works, in part, because of the checks and balances in place between the President, the Congress, and The Supreme Court. No branch of government has total power. But with the philosophy swinging toward the unitary executive theory once Alito's on board, it sets the stage for total power given to the President. This is something the neocons have been building toward for a long time, but most obviously within the current President's tenure in office.

The "war on terror" is the catch-all reason for the broad powers needed by the president to protect America. And so, we have warrantless wire-taps, lack of due process, and sanctioned torture. Just about anything can be justified to "protect Americans." (Check out this site for another viewpoint.)

The President takes an oath to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." He seems hell-bent on doing the opposite: dismantling the Constitutional safeguards that make our government work. And he lies about it!

If this next step comes to fruition, it's time to urge our Congress to initiate impeachment proceedings.

Kings should go to school to their own laws at times, and so learn mercy. --Mark Twain

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